Central District Management Association, Inc
The Center of it Allbany

Hundreds of SUNY Students at teh STEAm Garden Incubator help dismantle central Avenue flower baskets from the summer planting program.
They helped deconstruct the organic material, which is given to St. Annes School for girls and used to grow plants, vegetables. The St. Annes students monitor and learn about the science of greenhouse and farming as part of their school program. What is grown is made available at local shops and stores,
Talk about Green !

The Central Avenue area is Albany's busiest Shopping, Commercial and residential center. The CBID area comprises hundreds of small and large businesses. From small family owned shops to large national retailers. From Independent auto service shops to the major auto dealer and repair shops.
The Avenue and its nearby gateway streets are always moving. We always say, "it's never the same place as it was 5 minutes ago". That keeps us on our toes and busy with day to day management matters. Just some of the daily challenges are like trash removal, landscaping, and flowers, the needs of businesses to business recruitment, to growth and development.
The CDMA, Inc offers a wide range of help for businesses in partnership with many local programs and economic development efforts.
We partner with Police and other city departments to act as advocates and leaders in matters of the needs and concerns of business. We work with employment and training programs as well as local colleges and universities to provide help, technical assistance and guidance to our members.
In partnership with the State of NY Department of Community Renewal and the New York Main Street Program, National Grid and with support of the Carl E. Touhey Foudnation The CDMA, Inc has rehabbed the Former St. Patricks school into a Tech Incubator called the STEAM Garden.
Here are a few of the many efforts the CDMA, Inc. carries out to support our members and to improve Central Avenue.
Cleaning Programs
Streetscape Improvements
Horticulture improvements
Small Business Assistance (Maker Space, Tool lending, Technology Assistance)
Incubation of small businesses and startups
Technical and grant assistance
Educational Programs/Employee Training
Maintenance services
Arts and Marketing programs
Social Media and Multimedia help for our members
Retail Recruitment
Visitor Assistance
Loss prevention programs
Special Events
Sponsorships and Business Marketing Opportunities